I don't think it is necessarily the DAWS that are killing music though but more how collaboration has changed over the years....which explains why the music is sooooooo much better today than it was before people assembled their music one mouse-click at a time while staring at a computer monitor.25 years or so ago using hardware like the mpc series sequencers were fun but there is just so much you can do now with a DAW like Ableton.
I think there is potential for things to be even better but what ends up now is everyone is their own island now.
25 years ago if a song was being worked on a singer would actually come over to the trackmakers place and worked together. Sometimes I would be making a track on the spot and the art would start writing and then we end up collaborating.
These days people find their instrumentals off of YouTube. or just ask the trackmakers to send them a bunch of tracks.
Statistics: Posted by jlgrimes11 — Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:03 pm